Carnaval/Carnevale 2025

Father John Kelly’s Carnaval/Carnevale Week will take place from Monday, February 10 to Friday, February 14. The week will be filled with fun activities for all students. Please see below for a list of activities expected during this week:

               Date                                                 Event
Friday, February 7 · Carnaval/Carnevale Kickoff Assembly at 10:30 a.m. The crowing of the Carnaval/Carnevale King and Queen will take place!
Monday, February 10 · Pajama/Comfy Clothing Day!

· Carnaval/Carnevale BINGO Begins (Monday to Friday)

· Bonhomme Button Draw (Monday to Friday)

Tuesday, February 11 · Sports Day—Students wear a jersey/shirt/hat or colours of their favourite sports team!

· Dufflebag Theatre—All students from FDK to Grade 8 will enjoy the play “Snow White”.

Wednesday, February 12 · Arlecchino/Bonhomme Day—Students wear an array of different colours or wear white!

· Carnaval/Carnevale Café—Students from FDK to Grade 8 will be invited into the gym to enjoy a yummy treat!

Thursday, February 13 · Toque and Sash Day!

· La Tire (Taffy Rolling)—Students from FDK to Grade 8 will participate in making their own taffy lollipop!

Friday, February 14 · Red/White/Pink Day!

· Festa in Maschera/Valentine’s Day Dance Party—Each class will be called down to the gym and invited to dance in celebration of Valentine’s Day and to show off their masks. A special treat will be given after last recess!

· Carnaval/Carnevale BINGO—Winner will be Revealed